Is mental health stigmatised? What exactly is stigmatisation? What are your experiences?

I have generalised anxiety disorder. I've been suffering with it for years and it's definitely had a negative impact on my life to the point where I would, without a doubt, be living a much better life without it.

I recently saw a post on this subreddit regarding Huw Edwards and his struggle with depression in the last 20 years. Some of the comments were talking about the stigmatisation of mental health.

I was wondering, what exactly is stigmatisation in the context of mental health and how could it affect you?

Outside of my immediately family, nobody knows about my mental health issues. It's something I've always kept to myself, but I think it's more because it feels like a serious topic rather than being stigmatised. Those comments have changed my view about being more open with my metal health because I don't want it making people think I'm weak or unreliable, especially when it comes to careers.

Any thoughts?

Thank you

submitted by /u/Throwaway3527283
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from United Kingdom
