I have made this offer in another thread but if your MP is a Tory and you want to email him/her about the scandalous defence of Cummings' elitist hypocrisy DM me. I will spend my weekend writing letters for you to then submit by email.

Writing a letter to your Tory MP (if you happen to have one) may not seem like a big deal but it is a thousand times better than any comments on Reddit. Conservative MPs are waiting to see if this dies down over the weekend. There is a silent majority of them who know this is a grave mistake and are privately ashamed of what's going on. Some may yet join those of their colleagues with a conscience.

You may get a canned response, you may get sympathetic hand wringing or you may get no response at all. But you've done something and who knows if your email is the one which finally makes the difference?

To get a letter, just DM me with the name of your MP (or postcode if you aren't sure). I will draft a letter for you and DM/email it back. Then submit it through the website https://www.writetothem.com/ After you submit it, the site emails you a link to confirm you want to send the letter. Click that and you're done - all in under two minutes, maybe one.

If we tolerate this, then we know who will be next.

submitted by /u/Bingo_the_Brainy_Pup
[link] [comments] https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

from The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland https://ift.tt/2ZSZgTU
