Most farmers deserve a medal

I know as a farmer's son I will be biased but seriously I would absolutely hate my life if I were a farmer right now. Each way you're getting screwed. Supermarkets have pushed the price of milk down so low that most farmers are in debt or going out of business and are just holding on. The environment agency are a disgrace. They won't drain the drivers or ditches and then act surprised when the flood defences don't work because the rivers have over flowing. One of my dad's mates just lost half or more of his sheep because of flooding this last week. Most farmers (at least where I grew up) don't have days off and I've never seen my dad miss a day of work even with broken fingers and dislocated arms etc. And then I have some middle class prat tell me that my dads a murderer and a rapist of cows 🙃. I can't even...

This was an unexpected rant but I felt like I need to get it off my chest.

Edit: not saying that farmers are the worst off in Britain because I think people who work for the NHS have it bad too. I just never really see people speak up about agriculture.

submitted by /u/Just_a_Farmer
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from The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
