Can I seek out somewhere to rent whilst claiming Universal Credit?

I am currently unemployed and have been living with a family member and receiving UC. Things are getting really rough, they have always been quite abusive and manipulative. I feel I am in a situation where Yes it is horrible but I could be worse off, so feel a bit weird contacting a women's refuge or hostel. I am not likely to be offered council housing any time soon. Is it possible to look for a room to rent when at the moment my UC is quite low as I'm not renting? How would I go about this? Would I have to arrange an increase of my UC in order to rent or find a suitable room and then request help?

Any help greatly appreciated - please don't judge my situation I'm not happy about being on benefits and just looking for a way out before I end up on the street.

submitted by /u/bigkahunaburger23
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from The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
